Monday, November 26, 2007

Slumber party is totally cool w. me. I'm pushed to go for December 15th (Saturday). I'm probably going to be in Chicago the weekend before X-Mas to visit my grandpa...
Of course we can try to finagle a Thursday night party, and I can fly on Friday and take that day off?

Slumber party

Will it be possible to allow people to crash at your place, if:

* they've had too much to drink
* the mountain roads are too slippery for them
* they're cool people


It's not like 50 people are sleeping over (It's not like 50 people are even coming to the party). Most people will be responsible (barf) and head home early, anyway.

This is just in case I get guys like Rob and Jeb to come from NYC and Pennsylvania, respectively, without having to make them leave early to catch a train or something.

Picking a date

The first thing we need to establish is the date for our Indie Christmas Party.

Here's my ideal picks (going from best to worst):

1.) Saturday, December 22nd
2.) Friday, December 21st
3.) Sunday, December 23rd
4.) Saturday, December 15th
5.) Friday, December 14th.

That 14th/15th weekend is almost too soon.

Saturday, the 22nd, is perfect. It is however, the most hectic weekend at work - so in order to navigate my work schedule perfectly, we'll need to pick a date ASAP. That way, I can avoid as many dumb conflicts as possible.